XMED Chain - The World First Global Medical Blockchain

What’s up everybody now i will explain about XMED Chain.
The XMED Series is represented as XMC, is the globe prime application structure that utilizes the blockseries technology, an artificial intelligence (AI) and the big instruction analytical power. The executive team of the venture is comprise of Tsz Hin Law, Penny as a founder or chief executive officer, Doctor Shun Tung Lau, Benjamin as a Co-founder, Wei Cong as a Co-founder, Chao Wang as a Co-founder or chief operating officer, Rita Hou as a Chief Therapeutical Officer in the Beijing, Na Jia as a chief managerial officer, Tsz Wai Lo, Becky, Catherine Su as a Legal Specialist. An expert advisors is comprise of Yale Reisoleil, Jiping Liu, Richard Wang, Kuen Kuen Chan, Victor, Yik Pun Chan Derek, Jingcheng Xu, Victor Zhou, David Wang, Ricky Ng, Chen Yufu, Sophia Liu, Anthony Coscio, Adrian Lam & Henry Yu. The XMC is the structure with an application based on the blockseries, an AI & the big instruction technologies. The advantage of using the XMC application are the prime blockseries work for globally therapeutical facility incorporation, the safe and reliable therapeutical instruction circulation, the utilization of globally therapeutical facility & every participants gets benefits from the XMC & an efficient instruction spliting. The global therapeutical market size varies from the year 2014 to 2017. The globe GDP was 78.89 in 2014. The globe GDP was 74.51 in 2015. The globe GDP was 75.54 in 2016. The globe GDP was 79.32 in 2017. The well-being expenses was 7.26 in 2014. The well-being expenses was 7.63 in 2015. The well-being expenses was 8.01 in 2016. The well-being expenses was 8.41 in 2017. The cross border well-being expenses was 363 billion in 2014. The cross border well-being expenses was 382 billion in 2015.

The cross border well-being expenses was 401 billion in 2016. The cross border well-being expenses was 421 billion in 2017. The well-being without border restrained was established in the Hong Kong in the 4th quarter of 2015. The well-being without border restrained was established in Beijing in the 3rd quarter of 2016. The X-Med was activated in the prime quarter of 2017. The angel fund raising was achieved in the 2nd quarter of 2017. By cooperating with listed enterprises, the number of customers was increased in the 3rd quarter of 2017. The work X-MEd series was established in the blockseries & AI big instruction in the 3rd quarter of 2017. The nonprofit organization foundation named public venture restrained by warranty in Singapore set up in the 4th quarter of 2017.The X-MEd series was activated and begin to covering major Asian Countries such as Japan, China, and Korea etc. in the 3rd quarter of 2018. The X-MEd series 2 will be activate and begin to expand to the Australia, America & Europe market in the 2nd quarter of 2019. The X-MEd series 3 will be activate and the global therapeutically instruction blockseriesized and it covers top 20 cities of the globe in the 4th quarter of 2020.
For More Information :
Website: http://www.xmedchain.com/
Whitepaper: http://www.xmedchain.com/XMC_Whitepaper_EN.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XMEDChain
Telegram: https://t.me/XMEDChain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XMEDChain/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/13599198/
Author Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1017720
ETH Address : 0xa6D003A8705d3051c53d2187FB6B69BD60337004
ETH Address : 0xa6D003A8705d3051c53d2187FB6B69BD60337004
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